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Overbooked - A book club for busy people

Have you read “If the Creek Don’t Rise” by Leah Weiss?  Want to read it this week?  Stop in the library and pick up a copy then join Overbooked Book Club on Monday, December 10 th at 10AM to discuss this book.   Overbooked Book Club meets once a month, the 2 nd Monday of the month.  We choose books under 400 pages long and meet for about 30-45minutes to discuss.  We are busy moms who like to read and enjoy trying a variety of books.  Suggestions are always welcome!  Check out this website about “If the Creek Don’t Rise” for a summary and reader opinions: Diane Resnick Delmont Public Library
Recent posts
Photo by Christine Hines Thank you to everyone who came to the butterfly release!  Thank you to everyone who helped, everyone who came to watch the caterpillars grow and everyone's enthusiasm for this project!  We had another successful year.  I originally ordered 100 caterpillars & eggs.  We are usually shipped over 100 just to be safe.  Plus we had a few community members add their caterpillars to our cage this year, so I'm not sure exactly how many we started with but over 100.  On July 30th we released 79 Monarchs.  We had released about 9 before that date (escapees into the library.)  2 Monarchs were released after July 30th.  There were 4 crysalis still remaining in the cage today.  I put them in the garden. So that is 94 accounted for! We had about 150 people come to our release!  I was so thrilled to see such a wonderful turn out.  I love how our community comes together.  We ...

RIP Gail Rohrbacher 1936-2018

Today we mourn the loss of a great lady. Gail was a giant in our library world. Her generosity, often done in secret, spread to all she met. For me, it was her time. I would frequently call her to get some clarity in a confusing situation. I  also quickly learned our mutual desire to help children learn. She loved children and supported any program that helped teach them something.  Another one of her passions was our Spring Tea. She delighted in this event, often planning months in advance to set the perfect table. Her picture below is at our 2017 Spring Tea. To mesh these two loves, we will be establishing a Gail Rohrbacher "Hello Dolly!" inter-generational tea. This tribute will help her legacy - and love - live on for years to come.  Gail, we already miss you. I love you very much. Denni Grassel Director

Help Support our Library through Shopping!

Do you like to shop at Amazon? What if you could support the Delmont Library by shopping on Amazon? You can! Amazon has a program called AmazonSmile where shoppers can choose a eligible non-profit organization and Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the cause! The Delmont Public Library is one of those organizations. And right now Amazon will triple the donation rate on your first eligible purchase at Go to  and Amazon donates to Delmont Public Library. So have fun buying on Amazon and know that you are also supporting us!

Pi Day is Coming!

Boot Camp Final Thoughts

 Ann: Individually, we learned to love ourselves a little more effectively. Our workouts highlighted our strengths and weaknesses, and we got to work on building our bodies for more efficient work and more enjoyable play. Our trainers talked to us about nutrition, and next thing we knew, we were sharing food ideas and discovering new recipes for healthful eating. I'm not sure I'll ever love celery as much as Cheetos, but maybe I can remember to at least keep it on hand. I love that my arms are a little firmer, my legs are a little stronger, and my endurance is a little longer.  After a few days to think about the experience, I think love is the word for  everything we did at Boot Camp -- except maybe the sled! Diane R: Yeah, we did it!  I am proud of all of us and happy that we did it together.  It  was a lot a fun exercising this way in a group.  Hopefully, we can keep it up even if we try different group classes together as a s...

One more week!

Diane R: One week to go!  This has definitely been a great kick-start for me. I’m definitely encouraged to keep going.  My Girl Scout troop is also working on a fitness badge and will hopefully be coming to Alex for a kids session.  I read once, that the time of day you exercise works better for different individuals. I can’t remember if the article meant physically or mentally “better.” But I was thinking about it this past week after having a morning session. I personally like working out in the morning better. It energizes me and makes me feel accomplished early in the day.  I struggle with stopping whatever I’m doing in the middle of the day to go exercise. However, it did make me stop and refocus mid-day and relieved any stress that might have been going on that particular day. What are your thoughts? Feeling very hopeful for our last week!